
Robots in modern procurement (DNT7)


Robots in modern procurement (DNT7)

06. 03. 2024 12:20 Kristina Kaplanová

If you are a fan of automation and robotization, you must like Zdenek Pytlíček (GasNet CZ). In this module dedicated to the topic "Purchase to Pay and eCatalogs", together with Michal Lehar MCIPS took us into the world of the P2P process and its optimization, robotization, catalogs and got us excited about robots in procurement.

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The end of 2023 marks the premiere of the eBF in Warsaw


The end of 2023 marks the premiere of the eBF in Warsaw

20. 01. 2024 21:09 Kristina Kaplanová

Different country, different culture, new personalities, first experience and yet managed to convey the uniqueness of the concept, create a friendly atmosphere and enjoy the enthusiasm of sharing and networking together. We from Ostrava did not hide our pride and enjoyed how our Polish colleagues managed it. Many congratulations to Piotr Matysik and Marketplanet and we look forward to joint success. For all of you who haven't been, we have great news. At the celebration of the 20th birthday of eBF in Ostrava, we are preparing a selection of topics at the Polish scene, where you can be inspired by trends and the best of Poland. See you in June in Ostrava.

Video to be played: HERE

Enjoy the holidays everyone :)


Enjoy the holidays everyone :)

18. 12. 2023 17:48 Kristina Kaplanová

Greetings, I hope you don't fall into pre-Christmas panic and rather enjoy your stockings :)

The end of the year encourages a little recapitulation so that we feel good that it was all worth it this year. Currently, for example, we are rejoicing with the astronauts from the International Space Station who, after eight long months, finally found the lost tomato. :) We can also boast of a new addition to the PROEBIZ family. A colleague gave birth to a son by himself right in the car when the lady didn't want to wait any longer. Not only are our children multiplying, but so is eBF, which has its premiere in Warsaw. Vienna is slowly approaching the final and Ostrava will celebrate 20 years next year, while the visions are grand. It was a really good year.

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Idea of eBF in Austria and Deloitte Procurement Round Table


Idea of eBF in Austria and Deloitte Procurement Round Table

12. 12. 2023 10:38 Kristina Kaplanová

Information sharing, mutual inspiration, a community that together discusses new topics and innovations in procurement. This was also what December's Deloitte Procurement Round Table in Vienna was about. It was fascinating to observe how they perceive current topics in the field of procurement just a short distance beyond our borders in Austria. And if the idea of the eBF procurement festival in Austria takes hold, I believe it can take our entire procurement community in Central Europe one step further and enrich us all even more. Kristina

Video to play: HERE

The Plan is nothing, planning is everything (DZT4)


The Plan is nothing, planning is everything (DZT4)

11. 12. 2023 08:59 Kristina Kaplanová

A number of interesting debates accompanied the fourth module of the course entitled "Planning, purchasing strategy, supply chain management" and it was again rewarding to see how the purchasing craft is viewed in companies (Jan Hirsch, Blanco) and in the public sector (Ondrej Kuruc, MZSR). In the beginning, we focused on planning, creating a plan and how the plan should serve us - control, direction indicator, tool for setting goals, relationship with suppliers. Thanks to the very apt slides and announcements from the film The Brave Seven, we understood that this gem of film cinematography is actually a well of inspirational topics for every buyer, which contributed to the excellent mood in the hall.

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Quality data is the basis for category management (DNT3)


Quality data is the basis for category management (DNT3)

01. 12. 2023 14:02 Kristina Kaplanová

The third module was devoted to category management and master data, and we were again guided through the module by the great couple Miloš Olejník and Zdeněk Pytlíček (GasNet CZ). Both supporting topics were intertwined during the module and it was clearly confirmed that without quality data it is difficult to carry out category management. We learned about the eight basic cycles of category management, how to analyze data using ABC analysis, the Kraljic matrix, the A.T.Kearney procurement board and more.

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There is no strategic procurement without a procurement plan


There is no strategic procurement without a procurement plan

19. 11. 2023 15:30 Kristina Kaplanová

As Miloš Olejník aptly noted, "there is no strategic procurement without a procurement plan, category management cannot exist without planning". Together with Jan Hirsch (Blanco), at the beginning of the second module, they explained to us what the procurement plan is, its importance for the organization and the procurement department, and what its necessary content should be. The key element is that the plan is not just a "drawer" document, but is used at least to manage the relationship with suppliers, control, direct procurement and be a tool for setting goals.

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The magical face of eBF 2024


The magical face of eBF 2024

10. 10. 2023 23:08 Kristina Kaplanová

The twentieth year of our procurement festival has a new face and shape. This time there will be a visual created by Rosti Pospíšil, Czech artist, typographer, occasional writer and theater author. The charming and playful characters fit perfectly into the friendly atmosphere of eBF. But judge for yourself! Don't be afraid to share your own opinion.

Registration for the eBF 2024 festival is already underway!


Registration for the eBF 2024 festival is already underway!

03. 10. 2023 08:33 Kristina Kaplanová

We are happy to announce that we have launched the registration form for the twentieth year of eBF 2024! Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of discounted early bird tickets and reserve your spot at the festival now. Join us and look forward to unforgettable days from June 11 to 14, 2024, when we will meet again. It will definitely be worth it!

Registration HERE
Price list HERE

The prizes for the 20th eBF 2024 are out!


The prizes for the 20th eBF 2024 are out!

09. 08. 2023 08:54 Kristina Kaplanová

The weather is not favoring the holidays, but we can report that the ticket price list for the 20th anniversary of the Ostrava eBF 2024 has already been published! There will also be the traditional early birds tickets, while flying through this whimsical summer there is nothing stopping you from catching them until the end of September. We are glad that you are contacting us and we believe that the publication of the prices will help everyone who already needs to include eBF 2024 in their plans. RegistrationTon eBF will be launched soon.
Look at the price list

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