
Our Growing Team of Experts


Our Growing Team of Experts

30. 08. 2018 14:07 Jan Šlachta

We’ve put a lot of serious thought into the idea mooted last year of selecting independent curators from among the ranks of successful buyers and procurers for each thematic block. It has hardly been noticed, but there has been a very big change since last year: automation. Bearing this in mind, we took this step cautiously and with a certain amount of fear, but it has turned out to be totally amazing. Sure, sometimes everything hasn’t gone totally according to plan, but overall the sense of the whole programme jumped out at us. This year we are putting our foot on the gas and have been looking for new curators from the procurement world not only for programme blocks, but also for whole stages at November’s eBF. More heads, more hearts, more ideas, more energy, more innovation.

EUPLAT supports the idea of the Fair Sourcing Awards


EUPLAT supports the idea of the Fair Sourcing Awards

27. 08. 2018 14:08 Jan Šlachta

The European Association of Public eTendering Providers EUPLAT exists to promote and spread the idea of fair eTendering. This is why they will this year support the Fair Sourcing Awards (FSA), a competition rewarding success in the digitalisation of procurement which is organised by APUEN, the Czech and Slovak associations for users of eProcurement solutions.

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Thank you for being with us!


Thank you for being with us!

20. 03. 2018 09:36 Martin Šugra

We are very pleased to be able to prepare this year's eBF under the auspices of Tomáš Kotyza, the head of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Authority. Thank you for your support!

eBF had a fruitful Christmas


eBF had a fruitful Christmas

02. 01. 2018 14:02 Jan Šlachta

Our advantageous "Christmas Birds" offer was taken up by a few dozen of the faithful who believe that this year we’ll put together another quality event. Thank you for your trust, and we hope that this year brings lots of happiness, love and success to you, your families and your colleagues.




13. 11. 2017 11:52 Jan Šlachta

At eBF this year there were about a hundred lectures full of facts and wise words. Everyone talked about something different, but equally a lot of them examined the insight of Peter Kraljič, who we rightly labelled the legend of procurement management.

He came to the podium with a big story, about globalization, about competitiveness, about the strategic role of buying, about the importance of the right leaders, about the desire to be better and about the courage to face challenges and share experience.

"Think about the problem and then use your common sense," was his advice for life. We thank you!

Come again!!!


Come again!!!

13. 11. 2017 11:48 Jan Šlachta

You were perfect and meticulous, and thanks to you, buyers here have the best job in the world! With the feeling that everything had gone as it should, we said our goodbyes to some on Thursday and then some more on Friday during the Caffè Lungo meeting.

“Its genius is in its perfection,” said Daša Paláková of the detailed provision of transport for eBF guests. It’s the little things that make a great whole, as we have now seen for the thirteenth time.

“I’m so glad that we always look forward to seeing each other more and more. That’s excellent. We sometimes say to ourselves that next time will be troublesome, but you always give us the opportunity to improve every time, and for that we thank you,” added Milan Kaplan.

Mutual Inspiration


Mutual Inspiration

13. 11. 2017 11:41 Jan Šlachta

One of the most stimulating aspects of this year's eBF was the debut of joint presentations by corporate and public sector speakers. On Thursday afternoon on the Hyde Park stage and in the Practical Arena examples of what the corporate sector can bring to public procurement were discussed.

It’s true that companies can be a little less involved with processes and responsibilities than institutions, which are by their very nature more cautious, but mutual inspiration exchange can still be important. Such was the case with Jaroslav Lexa and Mario Biňas, who got to the root of the big issues in construction tenders.

Save the best till last


Save the best till last

09. 11. 2017 17:07 Jan Šlachta

You might be asking yourself which part of the bulging programme was the best. Many considered it to be Thursday on the main stage, where the eSourcing meeting was home to presentations by leaders in corporate procurement, headed by such luminaries as Peter Kraljič, Angus McIntosh, Ctirad Fischer and Zdeněk Pytlíček.

"I believe that we will take away many ideas from here, and then we just need the courage to introduce them into our companies," said Martin Zelinka, another presenter. We also believe this to be true, regardless of whether you are more interested in the Kraljič Matrix, defining procurement priorities or trends in Procurement 4.0.

Ostrava is changing for the better


Ostrava is changing for the better

09. 11. 2017 17:01 Jan Šlachta

On Thursday morning Tomáš Macura, the Mayor of Ostrava, came to greet us, having not got back from a business trip to Prague until that very morning, so there had been no point in going to sleep. In this respect many of us could sympathise with him, because many of us had done the same after a demanding Wednesday programme.

Concord has also been reached in the case of digital solutions, which Ostrava has been using for its procurement since 2010. The city, which has 180 organizations, is among the pioneers. "We would like to have savings of at least 10% a year, but the effect is far greater. That's why Ostrava is changing for the better," said the Mayor. We salute him!

Negotiate, but stay human!


Negotiate, but stay human!

09. 11. 2017 11:36 Jan Šlachta

During the first day of eBF there was great interest in often very harsh examples of the buying practices in the corporate sector. Indeed, three whole blocks on three stages in the afternoon session were devoted to presentations on critical procurement errors, recurring problems and extreme negotiations with suppliers.

Sometimes you'll find a skeleton in your cupboard which can only be discarded at great expense, but this cannot be avoided. "Negotiating and above all patiently building long-term relationships is necessary, otherwise we can be replaced by machines," said Miloš Olejník from the Slovak company HB Reavis.

Apart from this, other experts such as Jan Vašek and Ondrej Jombík spoke about "lessons learned from mistakes"..

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