
Three Pillars of Modern Procurement with Marcela Turčanová


Three Pillars of Modern Procurement with Marcela Turčanová

07. 06. 2024 20:59 Kristina Kaplanová

One of the constants and well-known faces at the eBF festival is Marcela Turčanová from APUeN AKADÉMIA. She is not afraid to tackle even the most complex public contracts, passionately discuss professional topics, or dive into timeless debates on mental health.

At this year's eBF festival, Marcela will have three appearances, showcasing their diversity:
Wednesday, June 12th on the "People" stage – Three Pillars of Modern Procurement with Martina Kapralova, CPSM (U. S. Steel)
Thursday, June 13th on the "Quality in Public Procurement" stage – Preliminary Market Consultations / Best Practice with Adam Kašák (OLO) and Zdeněk Cvejn (Charles University)
Thursday, June 13th on the "FUCKUP stage" – Mistakes That Can Cost Reputation with Martin Kapler (Kofola) and Jan Janek (Kerkhoff Consulting)

And because Marcela is a popular face on ePROCUREMENT.TV and many of us consider her an undiscovered star moderator for the main TV news, we asked her a few questions about our eBF festival.

What do you think, will we see you at eBF and at the three mentioned lectures? We look forward to seeing you on behalf of the entire eBF organizing team.

Video to watch: HERE

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