Petr Kohout

Petr Kohout

Petr Kohout

Petr is the head of the Legal Department at the Regional Office of the Central Bohemian Region, where he is also responsible for the methodology of public contracts awarded by the region. His professional journey is inseparably linked to an interest in new technologies, legal tech, and lately, particularly artificial intelligence in public administration and in the field of public procurement. Petr is a co-author of the e-book 'AI Tools in Public Administration' and author of several articles on AI and law, demonstrating his deep interest and expertise in this area. He considers public administration to be an ideal place for the implementation of artificial intelligence and believes that public administration without AI will not be able to function. In the field of public procurement, he is particularly interested in simplifying and automating administration. He assumes that the combination of legal expertise with technological progress is the path to modernization and efficiency in the public sector.

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