Ondrej Kuruc

Ondrej Kuruc

Ondrej Kuruc

At the Ministry of Transport in the role of Director-General, Ondrej is tasked with implementing knowledge and processes with regard to subordinate organizations within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport. At the Ministry of Health, he performed conceptual, coordinating, and monitoring activities at the level of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic in the field of public procurement. He coordinated and methodically guided the procurement processes in relation to organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, assessed and controlled the public procurement process in the healthcare sector, issued expert opinions on public procurement processes in the healthcare sector. He implemented central purchases in the healthcare sector, established central Dynamic Purchasing Systems, and participated in the creation of the FLASHBONE system, which was used at the Ministry of Health for the procurement of respiratory devices during the critical period around the COVID-19 pandemic and at the State Material Reserves Administration for the procurement of OOPP. As a lecturer and trainer, he regularly participates in various training sessions on procurement topics and holds a certificate for technical preparation and administration of eAuctions and tendering. He is a graduate of the certified semester course DIGITAL PROCUREMENT TEAM. He holds other important positions, serving as the chairman of the supervisory board of INMM Košice, and is involved in publishing and lecturing activities.

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