Jiří Slavík is a native of Havířov and was a career diplomat at the Czech Foreign Ministry for almost 25 years. During his diplomatic career, he served as Minister Counsellor at the Czech Embassies in Italy (Rome) and Egypt (Cairo), as Czech Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh), from where he was also accredited to Bahrain, Oman and Yemen, and subsequently in the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi). He had the opportunity to experience the Arab world in depth, including local customs, business opportunities, cultural and social specificities. Currently, he works as an external lecturer at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development at the Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava, and is strongly motivated by passing on his own experiences from diplomatic practice and life abroad to students. In his native Havířov, he served as deputy mayor in the 1990s and knows the importance of working for the citizens and their happy life. As a graduate of technical cybernetics, he worked for thirteen years in a research institute in Ostrava-Radvanice after his studies. In his spare time, he and his wife devote themselves to the folklore ensemble Vonička Havířov, which they founded in the early 1990s.