Daša Obuch Paláková

Daša Obuch Paláková

Daša Obuch Paláková

Currently, Dáša is the director of the Office for Investments and Acquisitions of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic. In the past, she managed public procurement and purchases at Slovak ministries of finance, interior, and culture. There are few commodities, situations, and problems she hasn't encountered. It follows that her expertise must be quite substantial. And indeed, it is. In addition to training, lecturing, publishing, and advising, she has been involved in public procurement since 2006. She is a fan of digitization, but she argues that human potential and relationships are irreplaceable. She adheres to the principle of common sense and tries to convince her surroundings and the professional (and non-professional) public that it is possible to succeed in public procurement.

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