
Robots in modern procurement (DNT7)


Robots in modern procurement (DNT7)

06. 03. 2024 12:20 Kristina Kaplanová

If you are a fan of automation and robotization, you must like Zdenek Pytlíček (GasNet CZ). In this module dedicated to the topic "Purchase to Pay and eCatalogs", together with Michal Lehar MCIPS took us into the world of the P2P process and its optimization, robotization, catalogs and got us excited about robots in procurement.

Any repetitive activity in procurement is an ideal field for automation. As Zdeněk Pytlíček says: "Machines work quickly and without fail. And if they make a mistake, it's only because we've taught them to work incorrectly." In Gasnet itself, purchasing is up to 92% automated, allowing buyers to fully concentrate on the remaining key 8%.

Catalogs are a unique opportunity for automation. Thanks to the deployment of purchasing catalogs, we can increase the speed of the purchasing process, make the process more transparent, reduce the error rate and manage internal demand. We also did not forget the types of catalogs (Pytlíčk's matrix of catalog division), and both lecturers advised us how to recognize a suitable commodity for cataloguing.

The final two blocks again belonged to technological solutions. Jiří Špalek and Lukáš Vyskočil from the PROEBIz workshop gave us an engaging presentation of the MARQUET catalog and its possibilities. Barbora Popová (BearingPoint) and Tomáš Rukavička (SAP) introduced us to the process of implementing P2P solutions inside the company (best practice) and presented the Guided Buying application, which was developed so that employees who are not from procurement can shop simply and comfortably.

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