
HAKUNA MATATA - let's open the door to mental health


HAKUNA MATATA - let's open the door to mental health

13. 05. 2023 17:12 Kristina Kaplanová

This well-known Swahili phrase expresses carefreeness, it is synonymous with "I'm fine", "no problem". And it expresses the dream of every good leader to have mentally resilient, healthy and satisfied employees. It is a challenge and an honor for us to open the big topic of mental health at eBF. For two days, in several thematic blocks, presented by the excellent rhetoricians Lucie Kleštincová and Marcela Turčanová, we will discuss, for example:

  • how to keep the team at ease
  • how to keep healthy, resilient and smiling employees
  • how to detect signs of starting problems
  • how to prevent your people from burning out
    and we will also have a dialogue about a lot of your questions.

    And not only because "the main thing is not to be sad" - come and recharge your energy and mental well-being at eBF 2023.
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