Radoslav Dubeň

Radoslav Dubeň

Radoslav Dubeň

Radoslav Dubeň works in the Procurement department at Tatra banka, a.s., which is a member of the Raiffeisen Bank International group and one of the top 3 largest banks in Slovakia. Over the course of more than 10 years, he has moved through various positions, from purchaser to procurement team manager, with experience and competencies spanning the CEE region. Tatra banka focuses on innovation, agile delivery of software solutions, emphasis on customer and employee experience and sustainability in its business.. However, it operates in a highly regulated environment, which brings specific challenges in the procurement field. Rado strives to tackle these challenges by focusing on aspects such as high team engagement, situational leadership, rapid adoption of innovations, and the application of Lean/SixSigma principles in practice.

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