Miroslav Singer

Tomáš Šebek

Jaroslav Lexa

Miloš Olejník

Tomáš Veit

Jiří Róžański

Michal Kristiňák

eBF 2023 | eSourcing
Leona Gergelová Šteigrová

Ondrej Kuruc

Jakub Váňa

Jan Hirsch

Zdeněk Mikeš

eBF 2023 | eSourcing
Adéla Havlová

Rasťo Kovaľ

Jaromír Šponar

Vladimír Baar

Martin Zelinka

Diana Rádl Rogerová

Jan Zahálka

Kateřina Koláčková

Marek Šmid

Mimi Nicklin

Daša Obuch Paláková

Radoslav Delina

Miroslav Knob

Jacek Jarmuszczak

eBF 2023 | eSourcing
Milan Kaplan

Peter Majtán

Martin Vyklický

eBF - Sharing knowledge about digitization of procurement and orders in a unique festival atmosphere
Ostrava - Hotel Imperial, 11 - 14 June 2024

It's unbelievable, but it's a fact that we will meet in Ostrava for the 20th time at the eBF event in 2024! In twenty years, our professional shopping conference has grown into the largest of its kind in Central Europe and has changed into an unforgettable festival. The twentieth anniversary of the festival will again be interspersed with a lot of expert lectures and follow-up workshops with the possibility of sharing experiences in the field of digitization of corporate purchasing processes and public procurement. There will also be a gala evening of the FSA (Fair Sourcing Awards), the queen of buns and other unforgettable elements of networking. You simply have to experience the unique atmosphere that sets the eBF festival apart from other conferences.


New trends

register, capture, hear and see!

The eBF is known for its ability to respond to the latest industry changes, discoveries, and events, and to bring you up to date on what's new on the technical tool provider side and state of the art trends changing the environment and conditions for corporate and public procurement.


again, finally live and together!

What has always been common has become exceptional. We missed each other, and the opportunity to see each other, hear each other, or just shake hands has become the biggest draw of this year's festival. It really seems like everyone is eager to see each other!





accompanying programs


Friendly, colorful networking, and rooms full of procurement specialists

Plenty of topics, stages, lectures, follow-up discussions and informal meetings in the breaks between blocks mean enough room for networking with leading specialists. You will get inspired, discover new information, and learn the best way to implement everything into your own practice.

„The eBF festival opens with the TOGETHER exhibition on the Tuesday and closes with Friday's CAFFÈ LUNGO.“

festival eBF stages


How many conferences can boast of starting their program with the opening of an exhibition that is made up of the artworks of conference participants, organizers and their friends? This also makes our festival unique, magical and an unconventional connection between the shopping and artistic worlds. Come and join the painters, photographers, sculptors and ceramicists in 2024 who look forward to seeing each other year after year.




A selection of the most interesting topics, discussions and personalities from this year’s eBF as well as issues surrounding the digitalisation of public procurement.


A selection of the most interesting topics, guests and discussions from all the stages at this year’s eBF covering the digitalisation of corporate procurement.


 Gala award ceremony for effective and inspirational use of digitalisation in corporate and public procurement.


A handful of round discussion tables for meeting with hand-picked motivational speakers from public life in Czechia, Slovakia and Poland.

Programme eBF 2024
DNT – Digital Procurement Team

DNT – Digital Procurement Team

An important educational event from the workshop of the organizers of the eBF festival. In 9 full-day modules during the semester, participants will learn about the end-2-end purchasing process, the latest knowledge, tips and tricks in the field of procurement. The uniqueness of the course is enhanced by the fact that, within each module, the world's leading providers of solutions for the digitization of procurement also appear with practical examples of the most modern possibilities.

DZT – Digital Procurement Team

DZT – Digital Procurement Team

A unique certified course created at the initiative of public procurement specialists within the PROCUREMENT BOARD, based on the recommendations of the European Commission and in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics VŠB-TUO, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and the ÚVO. In 10 modules, you will become a specialist in the field of public procurement and all associated areas over the course of the semester.

Dlouhá káva

Caffè Lungo

The festival culminates with an opportunity for round-table discussions with ten inspirational personalities from outside the procurement world. They will have demonstrated various extraordinary qualities: creativity, responsibility, team-leadership, patience, recognition of the truth, recognition of quality, the ability to serve others. They will include, among others, a senior paramedic, a renowned blogger, a national coach, an inventor, a singer, a renowned winemaker, a well-known cartoonist and caricaturist and a journalist. Following last year's extraordinary success, we have again asked Mr Vladimír Vůjtek, who enchanted us all, to be one of our guests. The other tables are gradually being filled up. This year a bell will ring four times, giving you the chance to move to another interesting table.


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